Israel National Radio!the Conversation Podcast!


  • Podcast downloads for The Conversation. Two women from different parts of the world, united by a common passion, experience or expertise, tell Kim Chakanetsa the stories of their lives.
  • Michael Savage, host of The Savage Nation® Radio show, National Radio Hall of Fame Inductee, and New York Times Bestselling Author for a bold perspective on American ideals, the truth about liberalism and national security, and what is really happening with today's politics.

Also, for the first time in its 30-year history, an Israeli human rights group, B'Tselem, has called Israel an 'apartheid regime' in a new report. And, the first place many of us go answers about. In this episode of The Lead from DH Radio, Miss Transqueen India 2019, Nithu R S and Radio Jockey Priyanka talk about their challenges, the pandemic, and more.

Israel National Radio The Conversation Podcast Jane Marie

History of israel podcastConversation

Israel National Radio The Conversation Podcasts

Are we slaves to time, or masters of time?

Time to leave the hopelessness of exile: A lesson for our time.

The plan of the new administration: More masks and vaccines

Biden adviser sees local answers to boosting mask use, speeding up vaccinations.

CEO of ‘she codes’ battles COVID

When scrolling through any list of the top figures in tech, there are practically no female faces. Are we doing something about it?

The keys for Israel's future

The self-inflicted folly of Pharaoh, the king of ancient Egypt, and the connection to our reality.

'If you can’t beat ’em, silence them'

She has been banned, censored, and locked out of her banking account. An interview with Laura Loomer.

Are the un-vaccinated healthier?

Do citizens have the right to decide if they want to take a vaccine, and/or give them to their children?

New world: Israel leads the Middle East

Trump has created a new situation in which Israel is becoming a leading and reclaimed state by the Arabs. Can Biden hurt that?

Will Biden's administration pose a threat to American Jews?

As the situation heats up in the Diaspora, the Jews bear the brunt of it. Signaling desperately for Jews to return home.

The educational process that affected all of humanity

How was the Egyptian ideology blocking humanity from receiving a prophetic message?

The big question: Will Biden continue the 'Abraham Agreements'?

How will Joe Biden work in the Middle East that Trump has changed?

The 'Covidization' Of Science

It’s been a landmark year for science. How did the science community do it — and at what cost?

The making of a pro-Israel activist

Eitan Behar combats anti-Semitism. His first lesson in activism was at the age of 15.

The ten plagues: On the road to redemption

The modern-day Egyptian exile of psychological warfare, fear and control.

True leader - the right man for the job

A leading leader never looks back and never gives up. This is how Moshe Rabbeinu behaved.

An initiative born of loss

Bat Galim Shaer discusses how she decided to commemorate her son, who was killed by terrorists, by bringing people closer together.

'How did we get here?' A call for an Evangelical reckoning on Trump

Evangelicals leaders call for look at how their own behaviors and actions may have helped fuel the insurrection.

The government is changing - Conservative Americans are worried

The left's rise to power brings with it snitches, informers, censoring.

HiTech more powerful than a US President: The end of free speech?

What has the world come to, when freedom is not just given away, but applauded by its people?

Where others fear to tread: The rabbi who wants to innovate

Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes-Cardozo talks about the seek for meaning and assume that the pandemic has given us all an opportunity.

The native American Indian surprise

A most eventful week: The fall of democracy in the US.

More lockdowns, fear, restlessness and Aliyah

Focus: the key to not getting caught up in the fear and unrest stemming from the pandemic and the resulting quarantines.

Signs along the way: Our special connection with G-d

Our belief in G-d does not depend upon the splitting of a sea or the sun and moon standing still.

What will Jewish life look like after after the pandemic?

Chief of the Jewish Federation in LA talks about dealing with the coronavirus and the way in which closures can be turned into opportunities

No more shame: Abuse and infidelity in the Jewish home

Even in the 'best of homes' there may be secrets lurking. Shifra is a survivor.

The most unique leader of the people of Israel

Various accuracies in the behavior of Moshe Rabbeinu reveal to us how great his character is and how deep his thought is about every detail.

Inclusion, diversity, and the deep dark confusion of exile

The recurrent template of exile and redemption: Striving for perfection in the face of adversity.

Ex-Defense Secretary: We must protect our country

'Stay Above It': Ex-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's call to preserve democracy.

Chaos at the Capitol: What does it mean for America?

The world witnessed the consequences of rhetoric that subverts the truth and incites violence. How should the US should continue from here?

America – There’s no happy ending

Tamar Yonah discusses the future of America and scenarios that could unfold.

Is ‘the West’ headed for a new dark age in 2021?

Is the world order we knew unraveling in the wake of the coronavirus crisis? Could 2021 be worse than 2020?

Vaccine panic: Will one dose be enough?

Should the US prioritize giving more people a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?

Vaccine mistrust and how to overcome it

Expert: Vaccine hesitancy is a serious risk to the people who aren’t getting vaccinated as well as the wider community.

The midwives who gave birth to a nation

From the Nile to the burning bush and back again: Loving brothers of one another.

How is life in Europe's most anti-Semitic city?

The (non) future of Jews in Europe.

When G-d's plan is exploited by man

People can not use 'this was G-d's intention' as an excuse for what they do.

What lockdowns have to do with the Aliyah story

Fear that distracts the Jew from making Aliyah is like the pandemic from which the only vaccine is Aliyah.

Demystifying the Tribes of Israel

What are the individual contributions of each Hebrew tribe to Israel's national collective?

Conversion: The real story of how to be a Jew

Everything you always wanted to know about conversion, but were afraid to ask.

The fine art of knowing when not to speak

Remembering Vendyl Jones, Biblical archeologist and pioneer of Torah for non-Jews.

Who needs two Moshiachs?

Why are there two Moshiachs, and why must one die in battle as the Talmud seems to indicate?

Who is your expert during a pandemic?

The advent of vaccines for the coronavirus brings with it more division and contention about who and what we should be listening to.

The European Union is killing Jewish life in Europe

Europe's ancient hatred of the Jews takes a new twist as the EU bans kosher slaughter.

Startup up for the people

Tamara Harel Cohen decided to make Aliyah and devote her career to build a socially impactful startup

'I’m not so afraid of the coronavirus anymore'

Dr. Vladmir (Ze’ev) Zelenko: Far less than 1% die from the coronavirus. So why the paranoia?

Has the Netanyahu era as Prime Minister ended?

The next election will focus on the right-wing parties and may actually bring an end to Binyamin Netanyahu's tenure.

A study of unintentional cultural assimilation

Brief reflections on 2020: An excellent year for Israel, but not for the virus from China.

The United States may change forever

The traditional left-of-center US Democratic Party has been taken over by socialists which will change the United States.

The unexpected leader of the Jewish people

A leader is one who, though he may stumble and fall, arises more honest, humble and courageous than he was before.

Olim in embarrassment: When the entrance gates to Israel are closed

The terrifying experience of being trapped in the Diaspora is at hand.

Child of the Holocaust, Surviving Every Day

Rabbi Joseph Polak was three years old when the Holocaust ended. His survival story is still unfolding.

The struggle for power in the Jewish identity: This is how the first Diaspora was founded

How does the conflict between Yehuda and Yosef echo through history and play out in the State of Israel today?

Should you worry about currency devaluation?

How much is your money really worth?

Tevet turmoil: Transitioning towards a new era

The Tenth of Tevet and the Septuagint: King Ptolemy, Torah translations and the Golden Calf of intellectual arrogance.

Should Diaspora Jews be concerned?

Are Holocaust stories a warning that Diaspora Jews need to recognize the signs?

Taking the oath of being our brother's keeper

What does mutual responsibility for one another's well being mean today in Israel?

'$4 in my bank account': Pandemic has left millions poor

More than 50 million people in the U.S. will experience food insecurity by the end of 2020. What can we do for them?

When the Jewish identity is sharpened in Egypt

Was Hebrew law and justice the property of the Egyptians in the previous world thanks to the viceroy of the Jewish leader?
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